
The dream of the perfect piece of luggage drives DEGELER. To get closer to this ideal, the familiy constantly reimages the possibles and makes no compromises. Neither in development nor in production. Extraordinary quality is the goal that unites everyone. This is based on the principle of always getting the most out of form, craftsmanship and materials. The maximum of ideas.




 A single item is more than a piece of luggage. It stands for a dream that becomes reality. Degeler has never been concerned with producing as many pieces of luggage as possible, but rather with being as unique as possible. The DEGELER maxim is: There is nothing good that cannot be made even better. Because there are many reasons for quality: material-specific form, labour-intensive manual work, durable materials. And one result: intense moments.





DEGELER still uses a tried and tested method to give leather a shiny surface. This glazing machine rubs an agate stone over the leather until a deep shine is created. The traditional processing of the leather is much more complex and time-consuming, but the effort and the waiting are worth it. The shine that is created by the permanently high pressure of the agate stone on the leather is more intense than with machine mass production.


Written by Frank Degeler

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